Find your AI product's vulnerabilities before your users do.

Building a product with AI comes with powerful capabilities, but also important risks. PromptBounty connects you with a diverse set of vetted AI testers who will identify how your product can misbehave, doing things like:
- Leak the prompt
- Make stuff up or goes off on a tangent
- Respond with anything unusual or unacceptable
A truly secure AI product is extremely technically difficult to build. PromptBounty takes a user-centric approach to AI security to help you design an experience that minimizes the likelihood of a bad user experience.

designing for LLM

The output is the UX

Your AI product’s output is a core component of the user experience. We help you identify where your AI system can go wrong so you can design experiences your users can trust.Once we identify your product's vulnerabilities, we work with you to design a user experiences to reduces reputational risk.

the process

How does it work? connects companies implementing LLM (large language models) solutions with humans who can thoroughly test and challenge these technologies. Our platform harnesses the collective creativity of our community to identify any potential flaws, biases, or unintended outputs that may arise.

Learn about AI and its risks

Introduction to prompts

Tailored to beginners, making it the perfect starting point if you're new to this field, this course is the most comprehensive prompt engineering course available, with content ranging from an introduction to AI to advanced techniques.Introductory Course on Prompt Engineering

Get technical

Gain technical knowledge on specific prompt attacks with an overview of different approaches to help understand the risks and safety issues involved with LLMs:Adversarial Prompting


Get in touch! Let's identify your product's risks and design a better user experience.

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